With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Monday, October 23, 2006


I'm having one of those days where I've just turned into a bitch. I'm pissy and I don't exactly know why. Sure it's taken some internet research, 4 phone calls and a couple text messages to get the plan together to take all children Trick or Treating.
And it's taken just as much to plan my mothers birthday.
And yah, there is also a company picnic, and two other birthday parties to plan around.

I mean seriously, do we all need to plan everything within the same week? It makes it really difficult on blended families.

So, yah, I'm completely frustrated at how difficult things always seem to be. This person wants to have them at this time. But we need to be there at this time. Then she'll pick them up at this time and bring them back at this time, but wait... what about this...

But listen to this... in a fairly odd, sorta "Object of my Affection" sort of way, I think we've decided to take 5 kids and 4 adults Trick or Treating next week. Me, my boyfriend SLJ, my X, my x's girlfriend, SLJ's kid, mine and the x's kids, and the girlfriends 2 kids. Awkward, but honestly... it intrigues me. Everyone involved are to be involved with the lives of my children, so it's not beyond me to play along either is it? One big happy family wouldn't ya say.

I'll bring the coffee and epicac.

So my frustrations will be taken out on the ground tonight as I plant 6 mums in the landscaping. Sure, it's snowing and the ground is probably not so forgiving. But I need to play in the dirt damnit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. your an amazing woman!
I would like to think I will
be that open minded....
I just might be.
but, right now, no way.
this Halloween, I'm making it easy.
no bf's or gf's, because there is none yet! thank god. :)
you go girl.
plant those mum's. dig deep. :)

8:11 PM  
Blogger Robbie said...

"I'm having one of those days where I've just turned into a bitch. I'm pissy and I don't exactly know why."

Welcome to my life - every day. :-)

Of course, that would be sans kids and x's. Yikes! Good luck with that!

9:18 AM  
Blogger Unhinged said...

Oh my God.

Group picture!

11:03 PM  
Blogger Unhinged said...

Uh, Halloween is OVER.

Ahem, ahem.

4:39 PM  
Blogger Unhinged said...

Okay, I would've posted an entry tonight, but when I signed in to Blogger, it said The New Verison of Blogger is Ready for you!

Woo! Gaspa! This must've been what I've been waiting for!!!!!

I fell head-first through the new Blogger circles of fire. Singed my butt, too, I don't mind saying.

Two hours later, I try to post my entry again and what message do I get?

No cookies.

11:06 PM  

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