With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Poor Polo

My oldest son is totally into bugs and spiders and anything that crawls and has an exoskeleton. When we first moved out and back into my parents house, he started a spider collection. There were several baby food jars with nasty looking spiders in them. I really didn't have much to do with the collection, I hate spiders, but I allowed him to display them on his dresser.

He collected these two huge hairy spiders and named one Marco and the other Polo and let them share a habitat. Well, it didn't end so well for Polo. Marco ate Polo. For some reason I find that histerical!

Ha, Marco ate Polo. Ha!

I guess Polo didn't hide very well.

I was driving down the road the other day. Had the Things with me. Thing 2 was in the back seat eating his breakfast and just simply stated that there was a spider behind my head. Thing 1, who was sitting in the passenger side, casually glanced behind me to see. And then the horror struck him and he grabbed my arm and said "Oh my gawd mom." He had these huge eyes and all I could picture was a tarantula crawling up my neck. I panicked and leaned way forward. I probably swerved on the road, I really can't recall. I'm lucky I didn't black out. I turned off on the next road, jumped out of the truck and took a deep breath before I went spider hunting. I grabbed a tissue and swatted at the spider that had made a little web between the seat belt thingy and the head rest. He was hairy. He was creepy. He deserved to die. And that he did.

The whole time Thing 2 just sat there eating his pop-tarts.

I gave Thing 1 a lecture on how not to startle someone who is driving. He just said that he didn't want the spider to get in my hair.

I've got shivers up my spine just thinking about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

11:58 PM  

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