With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

writing promt

I'm trying to recall memories. A writing promt. Cause I've deleted several almost entries.

There was this girl in jr. high/middle school who stole my boyfriend Brad. Her name was Nikki. I very much disliked her, but being the Pisces I am... I never made waves. But that's what friends are for right? My best friend Ten, had my back on this one.
Nikki was on the basketball team. Ten and myself were the "basketball assistants." We did things like wash uniforms, get the balls out, keep score, give water bottles etc... We were Water Girls. But mostly we just sat at the edge of the court and made fun of everyone.

Well, Nikki shows up at basketball practice with a black eye. Cool. Wish it had been from me. During practice she asks Ten and myself to go get her a cool wet cloth for her swolen eye. How dare her. So Ten and I go to the locker room where Ten proceeds to get a towel, dip it in the nice cold toilet water. We walked out of the locker room and handed Nikki her nice, cool towel for her big, black, swolen eye (that I should've gave her.) What an evil genius, I swear. All through High School we dubbed her "Pee water."

I could've really used Ten while dealing with the STBX. It's okay, I did take a few notes back then and have put into play a few minor acts of unkindness. Nothing really all that cool like Pee Water, but unkind just the same. Cause we all know, it's the small things that count. Winka.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spike his punch. Hash his brownies. YOU know how to handle him.

Well, you do.

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheesh, have you found that tape measurerer yet?

7:00 PM  

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