With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mass love.

I just received one of those mass emails that you forward to the ones you love. Hence "mass emails." I usually don't take the time to read these, delete, delete, delete...but this one was special. It was basically about the circle of women friends and how a person can have many, many best friends. This touched me because I never really knew how important friends were until I needed them the most this past year. I have such a great network of friends. I am very fortunate to love and be loved so darn much. This post I dedicate to those selective bunch.
The friend I've had the longest (since 5th grade), Teneille, lives far away from me. We actually only talk every now and then. We have only seen each other twice in the last 6 years. But Teneille is still very much a part of me. We share a connection and a bond that has lasted the test of time. I love you Teneille and always will.
I have my college friend, Mary. Mary was my saving grace through college. She really, really was. I grabbed onto her with both hands and will never let go. We don't see much of each other. We email back and forth to stay in touch. But Mary is still very much a part of me and we share a special bond. I love you Mary Alice!
I have Andrea, that HOT red-head that likes to smack my ass. We are often the bright spot in each others lives. Even though she moved a million miles away, it still feels like she is very much by my side. She has those one liners that just make you want to pee your pants from laughing so hard. I love you Andrea!
I have my circle of friends at work. My buddy Ray who always has my back and has allowed me to shed tears on his shoulder more than once. My very newly acquired friends Stacy, Tracy & Taryn. My friend Jen who has been my sidekick through the last year. No judgments ever, just love, hugs and smiles. Randy "Da Bomb" who always has good things to say to me each and every day. The work list goes on, but I love these people. I have been with them for three years now and I wouldn't know what to do without them.
I have my circle of friends in California. Robbie, Trish, Gigi, Cheryl, Hunny. I have a very very special place in my heart for them. A million miles away but have carried me through some of the roughest days ever. I love them more than I could ever say. They are my life line. They are my peace. They are my home. I love you Yakkies.
I have this circle of friends on the blog-o-sphere. Even though I've never met half of you...I know you and I love you. I know that one day we'll meet and it'll be like we've known each other forever. Here we get the unrated versions of the Id and somehow we keep coming back for more. You will never know how much your lives have touched mine. When you hurt, I hurt. When you laugh, I laugh. Your typed words are etched on my heart. I love you guys! Kris, Amy, Yakkies, Sneakz, Spyder, Steph, Moksha etc...etc...etc... I love this "train ride."
I have my Morelli. Even though we don't always agree, we always accept and love. Morelli has seen me through some pretty rough spots. I can't even count the ways I adore him. I truly love that man. I love you Morelli, more than you'll ever know. More than I'll ever be allowed to show you. You are my one true Morelli.
I have my "Learning Curve", an old friend that was there for me when I needed to feel loved. When I needed to feel beautiful, he was there. I haven't actually talked to him for five years, but there is too much history there to ever forget that special bond. Just recently he delivered a message through the grapevine "Whatever she needs, whenever she needs it." Even though there is too much history there to ever freely show it. I still love my "Learning Curve." I hold him very close to my heart.
I have my brother. This kid knows EVERYTHING about me and vice versa. We used to hate each other. We used to throw chairs at each other and scream at each other. Then one day he was on deaths door and we bonded. Now, twelve years after that we are the first people we call when life gets a little rough. Not to fix it, not to help guide the way through it, just to let each other know that we're here and we see each others promising future. We will grow old together, my brother and I. We will have very trying times ahead, but we will always have faith in each other. We see the others strengths through the weakness. I love my brother.
I have my friend, Layli'. I'm positive we were friends in a past life. We're very different, but that's what we love about each other. We compliment each other well. I love Layli'. And through Layli' I have her husband Scott. Where as my husband didn't like most of my friends, Scott adores me and welcomes me into his home. He truly cares about me and that has opened my eyes in so many ways. I love Layli' and Scott.
My mom and dad. No words needed just unconditional, endless love and support. I love those two. No matter what, I still love them.
And in the spirit of love...I have me. Most often my best friend. I trust me with all of my heart. I know me, better than I know anyone else. I love me.
That right there is my "inner circle." That's a lot of people I hold very dear. These aren't just anybodies. These are my true friends. All a part of me. All, the loves of my life. I am very humbled and very, very fortunate. I wish I could express how much I love you, but there are just no words to come close.


Blogger Unhinged said...

Thanky! I love you, too. ::sniffle::

10:28 PM  
Blogger Spyder said...

Weeee, Everyone to the Bar! Drinks are now being served, and The 1st Round is on me.
I too feel very special to be included in your circle of friends.( Big ol'smile on Spy's face :) Oh and Stephaine can't drive the train either.
"Can anyone say Road Rage?" lol

10:42 PM  
Blogger freeepeace said...

Beautiful entry of gratitude. Thank you for including me-n-Hunny. We love and miss you! xo

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwww I'm verclempt!

Right back at ya, love you tons. You're just awesome.

=) kris

8:37 PM  

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