With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Monday, December 12, 2005

20 things you know that you wish you didn't.

hmmm. I'm bored (noted by the multiple same day entries here). So lets do a "How ever many things about me" shall we?
1) I can't get past the fact that my mom watches football. This apparently has happened in the last 11 years while I was out of the house. It's not right. Every freakin' TV in the house is on Football. Does she even know the rules of the game? I loathe football.
2) I can't stand anyone else using my bathroom. I have sat in pee multiple times now because my youngest son doesn't know how to raise the lid.
3) I shave my toe hair. Just the big toes. When you are as white as I am, there is no hiding hairy legs or hairy toes.
4) I figure my bills at work. Yup, like you don't. Don't look at me like that. I might as well spend the money the same place I make the money.
5) My all time favorite movie is Night at the Roxbury. Shudup.
6) I'd rather have a tamale any day over a hot mexican man. Trust me. Tamales don't break your heart.
7) I believe in God, but I refuse to go to church. God is everywhere not just in church.
8) I am so proud of Rafe for not eating the chicken.
9) I am very particular about the way my laundry is done. Don't touch my dirty clothes. Thanks, but please don't.
10) I can't stand to have more than one person in the kitchen at any given moment. Too many cooks in the kitchen makes me want to pluck someones eyes out.
11) I enjoyed the ballet much, much more than the Van Halen concert.
12) I drive an SUV. You try living in the Mid-West between the cornfields in 10 inches of snow and not having a 4x4. Don't call me when your Mini Cooper gets stuck.
13) I love peas in my mashed potatoes.
14) I've received some deep tissue radiation. It's okay, I just have a third nipple now. Hazard of the job.
15) The most exciting story I have to tell is about how I saw Matthew Fox in Casa Del Mar while I was doped up on dramamine.
16) I got a little irritated this morning when I saw a bumper sticker on a Subaru that read "Make trade fair." Mid-West= manufacturing= lots of lost jobs to foriegn countries.
17) My favorite club to go to is a "gay club" called Babylon. The building is the best, the people are beautiful and the music makes my bootie shake.
18) I took a speed reading class in Highschool. I cheated off the "Rain Man" next to me.
19) Bologna makes me vomit. I can't even watch someone else eat it.
20) I'm terribly jealous of my brothers long eyelashes, his tough ass fingernails and his ability to crush people with his mere words. Oh, and the fact that my granny loves him more than me.