With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Calling on my virtue of patience

Where art thou, thy virtue of patience?
So yes, to address my rant the other day about the required class on parenting...I just didn't feel up to addressing any more issues. I'm tired. So tired. I just want to feel happy. I took (and paid) for my class this morning. It was actually a little interesting and I owe it to the instructor (a single mother of 2 boys.)
Now that I've finished the required class, I get to drop off a little certificate with my name on it to the court house. Just to clarify, this is a class Mars is required to take as well...there are no custody issues. I will be deemed sole physical custodian and we will have joint legal custody. No problems there, we both agree that the other is a good parent and our children deserve both of our parenting skills.
My rant was mostly about the poor timing of it all. All of it. Just sucky timing. But is there ever a "good" time? Well, no.
Let me tell you that (for me) getting divorced, and the lonliness that follows...is the absolute worst thing that I've ever had to deal with in my whole life to this point.

On a totally different and lighter note...some films I might suggest if you haven't already seen them:
1) Pride & Predjudice 05' - this one choked me up and I don't usually get choked up.
2) Dukes of Hazzard (The unrated version. Loved Willies jokes)
3) An Ideal Husband (with Rupert Everett)


Blogger Unhinged said...

No, there isn't really a good time to go through a bad time. But I can tell you with absolutely certainty that those bad times you do make it through, make you a much stronger and better you. Not to mention a more interesting you because hey, mucky situations are character-building.

(But just between you and me, considering all the muckety-muck character-building experiences we're going through lately, I think someone's going to offer us a book or movie deal.)

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