With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Friday, March 17, 2006


I've been very busy at work lately...hence multiple postings per day.
I'm a dog person. I heart dogs. My boyfriend has a dog. It's some sort of mix that he adopted from the shelter. The thing is adorable. It really, really is. The bad part is that it's still a puppy. It's about 7 months old now. It likes to chew on things. He leaves the dog out of it kennel at night to roam the house. Here's a list of some of the things we've lost to the dogs mischevious nature.
1) SLJ's pager for work
2) SLJ's son's nebulizer meds - all of them. Not cheap. Good thing SLJ's girlfriend works at an Allergy & Asthma center.
3) Two pair of tiny dancer panties - crotch only.
4) A tiny dancer tooth brush and cap to the toothpaste
5) SLJ's leather weight lifting glove.
6) Multiple SLJ's sons plastic toys, balls and stuffed animals - poor Shrek
7) Entryway linoleum
8) Pieces of carpet
9) SLJ's son has lost many a plate of food or bowl of cereal to the pup.
Multiple pieces of trash has been pulled out of the bathroom can. He once murdered a pull-up, filled w/ those tiny little pee absorbing beads.Multiple pieces of actual trash bag at an attempt to get the trash.It's kind of become a game...Wake up in the morning to guess what Chopper has destroyed this time.
The dog isn't allowed in the bed. Instead of waking you up to go out, he just hikes a leg and pees on you. I've been peed on twice now. I try not to take it personal.There's a running joke of "Where's Chopper" because there have been times when I've wondered if he will live to see the next day. The dog likes to roam the neighborhood too. We thought we were smarter than the dog. We thought we covered the hole in the fence...must be more than one hole. There have been multiple phone calls from neighbors letting us know the dog is visiting.
But still, at the end of the day when it's time to relax on the couch and veg a bit, Chopper curls up right beside me, snuggles in tight and lets me rub his soft soft puppy ear and somehow, I find myself still loving that dog even if he ate my favorite pair of panties.


Blogger Gigi said...

That's what you get for wearing edible panties.

5:05 PM  
Blogger Unhinged said...

I read this earlier and did the monkey bark hork over the panty croch eating. Man, that's just gross and hilarious. (Can I include this in your biz company profile?)

I know. I shouldn't have even brought that up, but I'm just a dork that way.

My exMIL found MY undies, by the way. Good thing she liked me, or the whole family could have held that against me.


10:55 PM  
Blogger Datbury said...

So I guess you don't like cats?

3:16 PM  

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