With my hands tied behind my back

It's after the party. The ballroom is littered and empty. I am naked. My hands are tied behind my back. There is no music. The band is long gone. Yet, still I dance. I dance with a smile.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Standing up for myself

I'm sorry, I have to rant. I just need to keep myself in check here and process this. I had another "episode" with the STBX. I had sent him an email stating how much he owed me regarding our sons medical bill. Just matter of factly summarizing it for him. Ya know what, I'm just going to copy & paste the whole email correspondance here.
My email to him:
All the bills from Isaacs broken arm are in.
Our 10% responsibility:
PHH = total $
Wynder/ONE = total $
FWR = total $
Breckenridge = total $
Your 60% of that comes to total $.
You have alreadygiven me total $ towards it, so now you only owe me = total $

I also would like for you to pay for a call that you made from Alabama on your cell. Luckily the ones you made after 9pm were free, but there was one you made before 9pm @45 cents a minute = total $. You can leave a check for me on the table and I will pick it up this Friday when I'm there.
Have you decided to get your own cell account or are you just going to give the phone back to me?
FYI: I have my W-2. Still waiting on my statements from Sallie Mae, Fidelity & Teachers. You will have a statement coming from Principal as well.
He knew this was coming. Son broke his arm in October. I told the STBX I would wait for all the bills to come in before I expected him to pay more.
Concerning the cell phone. We obviously still don't have that issue taken care off. I've paid the bill. The call he made was to his girlfriend on Christmas day.
This was his response:
I will leave a check but you could be a little nicerabout it. Provide a copy of the cell charges.How much of that 10% will you get reimbursed for?I have all my tax documents. Need a copy of your W-2for Ron (his attorney). As soon as possible.All garage items are on the side of the garage you used. I will have most everything else sorted in the house.If there is something you want please call me. Please do not leave the house in worse shape than youfind it Friday and Saturday. Please respect my privacyand understand that you are in my house. If you soilthe carpets please clean them. If you dent a wallplease fix it, etc... If you do not agree to any of this we will have toreschedule for a time when I can be there.
Thank you

At this point I'm outraged! I feel (once again) that I'm being talked down to and very much disrespected. He's asking me to be NICER. He's stating that the house that MY name is still on and MY furniture is still in is HIS...Whoa. That pushed my button. Dancer is done being nice. It's time for Dancer to stand up and slap the shit out of him. He's still trying to control the situation. Still. But why would he do that if he's so damn happy? As if.Anyways, this was my outburst replying back to him. No holds bar. Done being nice. I have tried very hard to be Above all of this. I've been the adult. I will treat him like the man he isn't.

I wasn't being "mean" I was matter of factly letting you know what I expect from you. Should I kiss your ass and say "Please Eric, it would be great if you pay for some of Isaacs medical." NOW I'm pissed because your not giving me the respect I deserve.
As far as "your" house. I have been pretty damn nice and lenient with our situation for the last six months. I have let you live in our house, when I could've lived there and made you pay the mortgage. I have gone along with all of your decisions and not gotten in the way of anything. At any time I could make you pay me my portion of the equity, but I have chose to treat you respectfully. I have left my furniture there and let you use it for the last six months.
I haven't said one god damn word about you having your girlfriend in OUR house. And you know very well I could've. I think it's kind of cheesy to invite your girlfriend over to a house you shared with your wife.
I have been nothing but respectful of your privacy.
I haven't bad mouthed you to your family, your parents don't even have a clue as to how this whole divorce got started. You said something shallow and awful that you can never take back and I haven't said anything to them about it. I've let everyone think that this whole thing was me acting alone. Every time your grandparents see me they ask me when I'll be "going back" and I have kept my mouth shut. Do they even know you've been seeing someone?
I haven't said a god damn word about your girlfriend to the boys. Even when you were talking bad about me and John to them. Isaac was a complete mess for a few weeks but I didn't say anything to you.
AND, you haven't paid child support for 6 months when I very well could've made you. I actually talked my lawyer out of ordering you to do so.
I continued to let you use the cell and paid for it, when at any time I can call and cancel your line.
When I've tried to be nice and actually be "your friend" you have emailed me and very specifically let me know how "great" you and your new girlfriend are which was like a slap in the face. I'm sure she would think that was a very mean thing for you to do too.
I have some really great stories about my life as well, but I have chose not to share them with you to spare your feelings. I have no intentions of hurting anyone.
As far as Isaacs medical bills go, you should really watch what you say around him. He was feeling very guilty about breaking his arm, because he knew you didn't have any money to pay the bills. I took care of talking to him and relieving him of his guilt. I would suggest that you be very careful what you say concerning your finances. It's none of the boys business and they shouldn't have to be concerned with it.
NOW LETS TALK ABOUT BEING "NICER." I think I deserve a bit more credit than what your giving me.
I have already shredded the cell papers and already paid the bill. I just thought that if you would like to be respectful and be a man that you would go ahead and pay for a 50 minute call you made to 8767 (assuming that's your girlfriend).
Any clue as to what you want to do about the cell? You didn't say, but it needs to be addressed.
I have no intention of creating a mess in "OUR" house on Friday or Saturday. I am not a vengeful person, I am above that and you damn well know that.
Any paper work that your attorney needs will need to come from my attorney. That's why we have lawyers so that I don't have to give you any paperwork and vice versa. If he needs something from me I suggest he talk to Paul.
As far as the medical bills go. The 10% is our responsibility. There is no reimbursement for that. AAC pays 90%, we pay the remaining 10%. That's how it's been all last year. That's how it is this year. And I will expect you to pay your part.
My mom and I will be at the house sometime Friday. And I will be at the house Saturday at 10:00 am with some friends to move the furniture. If you have a problem, I suggest that you ask your dad to chaperone. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
If your so insistent on calling our house yours then I suggest you fork over my share of the equity and get my name off the mortgage. Then you can call it "yours."
I might change my mind about the kitchen table. You've had six months to get any furniture you might need. I don't owe you any favors. The only reason I was agreeing for you to borrow it was so that the boys had a place to sit and eat breakfast in the mornings.

Dancer out. Applause needed please. Gawd, I hate going to that level. I am better than that. But I felt it needed to be said. I demand nothing but respect. I am indeed not the same person he once knew. Meet the new dancer, who just might be getting her hands loose.


Blogger freeepeace said...

Applause! Applause!

Keep on dancing.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Unhinged said...

THIS was wonderful to read and something that needed to be said. Bravo. He's pushed and pushed. I figured that one day he'd go too far.

Don't you dare feel guilty for writing it, either. Raise your chin and stand by it.

Whew! You go, girl.

4:16 PM  
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1:02 PM  

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